A Brief Order for the Confirmation of Affirmations of Pastor David Barber

Intern Pastor: These persons have been instructed in the Christian faith by Pastor David Barber and desire to make public affirmations about David in the presence of this assembly.
Addressing the Confirmation Students:
Do you confirmation students past/present have any affirmations to declare about Pastor David Barber? If so answer “I do.”

The confirmation student who answers “I do” then steps forward and addresses the assembly:
I, Kore Schmidt, a confirmation student, would like to affirm that Pastor David Barber has always been a kind and patient person, even when we weren’t being all that kind or patient.

Addressing the Confirmation Students:
Intern Pastor: Confirmation students, do you confirm this affirmation, if so answer “We do.”
We do.

Turning to the assembly:
Intern Pastor: Assembled friends of Pastor David Barber, do you confirm this affirmation of David Barber, that in your experience with David Barber, he has been kind and patient with you even when you weren’t necessarily being all that kind or patient. If so answer “We Do!”
Congregation:      We do!

Addressing the Confirmation Students:
Intern Pastor: Do you confirmation students have any more affirmations to declare about Pastor David Barber? If so answer “I do.”

The confirmation student who answers “I do” then steps forward and addresses the assembly:
I, Karen Castro, a confirmation student, would like to affirm that Pastor David Barber has always delivered children’s sermons and sermons that were interesting and made me want to love and serve God and all people.

Addressing the Confirmation Students:
Intern Pastor: Confirmation students do you confirm this affirmation, if so answer “We do.”

Turning to the assembly:
Intern Pastor: Assembled friends of Pastor David Barber, do you confirm this affirmation of David Barber, that in your experience with Pastor David Barber he delivered children’s sermons and sermons that were interesting and made you want to love and serve God and all people. If so answer “We Do.”
Congregation: We do.

Addressing the Confirmation Students:
Intern Pastor: Do you confirmation students have any more affirmations to declare about Pastor David Barber? If so answer “I do.”

The confirmation student who answers “I do” then steps forward and addresses the assembly:
I, Kyra Takamiya, a confirmation student, would like to affirm that Pastor David Barber has always had a great sense of humor.

Addressing the Confirmation Students:
Intern Pastor: Confirmation students do you confirm this affirmation, if so answer “We do.”

Turning to the assembly:
Intern Pastor: Assembled friends of Pastor David Barber, do you confirm this affirmation of David Barber, that in your experience David Barber has always had a great sense of humor. If so answer “We do.”
Congregation: We do.

Addressing the Confirmation Students:
Intern Pastor: Do you confirmation students have any more affirmations to declare about Pastor David Barber? If so answer “I do.”

The confirmation student who answers “I do” then steps forward and addresses the assembly:
I, Crescent Cheng, a confirmation student, would like to affirm that Pastor David Barber has many qualities and it would be too hard to list and affirm all of them, so I would like to affirm that I will miss Pastor David and all his qualities, but wish him the best in Colorado.

Addressing the Confirmation Students:
Intern Pastor: Confirmation students do you confirm this affirmation, if so answer “We do.”

Turning to the assembly:
Intern Pastor: Assembled friends of Pastor David Barber, do you confirm this affirmation of David Barber and Karen Barber, that they have many qualities that would be too hard to list and affirm so we should affirm, that we will all miss David and Karen and all their qualities, but wish them the best in Colorado. If so answer “We do.”
Congregation: We do.
Intern Pastor: Do you wish David and Karen could stay?
Congregation: WE DO.
Intern Pastor: But are we all thankful for the time we got to spend with David and Karen?
Congregation: WE ARE.

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