Litany of Farewell

Leader: It is important that we recognize times of passage, endings and beginnings. Today we sat farewell to Pastor David whose time as our pastor has come to an end.
Pastor: I thank the Lutheran Church of Honolulu for the love, kindness, and support shown to Karen and me for the last six years. I thank you for accepting my leadership. I recall with joy the many things we have been able to accomplish together and with sadness the things we were not able to do. I ask your understanding and forgiveness for the mistakes I made and for the times I let you down.
Congregation:    We receive your thankfulness, and we offer our forgiveness for any failures. Your influence on us will not leave us, even though you depart from us. We express gratitude for your time among us and ask your forgiveness for our shortcomings and sometimes flagging faith.
Pastor: I forgive you your failures and accept your gratitude, trusting that our time together and our parting are pleasing to the God we are called to serve.
Leader: As members and friends of the Lutheran Church of Honolulu, do you now release Pastor David from his duties as your pastor?
Congregation: We do, with the help of God.
Leader: Do you, Pastor David, release this congregation from turning to you and depending on you?
Pastor: I do, with the help of God.
Leader: Let us pray: God, whose everlasting love for all is trustworthy, help each of us to trust the future, which rests in your care. During our time together, we have experienced laughter and tears, hopes and disappointments. Guide us as we carry these cherished memories with us in new directions until the time when we are completely one with you and one another. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.
Go now, Pastor David and Karen, surrounded by our love and led by the promises of God, the presence of Jesus Christ, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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