LCH Sermons—Time after Pentecost (June and July) 2012

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Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 17—July 29, 2012

Preacher: Pastor Angela Freeman
Lessons: 2 Kings 4:42–44 | Psalm 145:10–18 | Ephesians 3:14–21 | John 6:1–21
Summary: In today’s Gospel, Philip is doubtful that they can feed all the people who gathered to hear Jesus, but Jesus feeds them all with lots of leftovers. Looking at our neighborhood and the nearby university campuses, your call for me to do youth and campus ministry and neighborhood outreach seems daunting. We can respond to the call of the Holy Spirit by saying there is not enough money, or forming a committee, or praying and using the gifts God has given us. In the Gospel, we do not correspond with the people sitting around Jesus but the disciples called to serve them. The works of Jesus are all around us, and we see them all the more clearly when we get off the grass and being to serve.

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Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 16—July 22, 2012

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Jeremiah 23:1–6 | Psalm 23 | Ephesians 2:11–22 | Mark 6:30–34, 53–56
Summary: In today’s Gospel, the disciples come back from their mission, and Jesus wants to take them away to rest. Americans are not good at resting, perhaps especially those of us involved in the church. Sometimes we forget that the Sabbath is a time to rest in God. Too often we give our time to activities that do not give life. Our rest in God is not for when we have extra time. Take time to go to a quiet place and enjoy this gift of God. You will not only find God waiting for you, but you will also find your self.

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Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 15—July 15, 2012

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Amos 7:7–15 | Psalm 85:8–13 | Ephesians 1:3–14 | Mark 6:14–29
Summary: In today’s first lesson, the prophet Amos tells the people that they have been measured and found wanting, so God will destroy everything they are proud of. The purpose of this message is to bring the people back to their relationship with God. In the Gospel story of the beheading of John the Baptist, both John and Jesus call the people back from the measure of the world. We know that in the end, the powers of the world kill both of them. God measures us with the plumb line of justice and love. We know that when measured this way, we will often be found wanting, but the good news is that God wants us anyway.

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Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 14—July 8, 2012

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Ezekiel 2:1–5 | Psalm 123 | 2 Corinthians 12:2–10 | Mark 6:1–13
Summary: Today’s Gospel raises the question of how we can sing praise in this broken world. Jesus had gone to his home town and was rejected by the people who had known him from his youth. But he did not give up. Rather, he gathered the twelve and sent them out to preach and heal. We have no special gifts or training, but we are called in our brokenness to share the good news with the world. The Spirit equips us as it stood Ezekiel up to witness. We are called to welcome all to the house God builds, and there are no walls to prevent us from sharing that good news.

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Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 13—July 1, 2012

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Lamentations 3:22–33 | Psalm 30 | 2 Corinthians 8:7–15 | Mark 5:21–43
Summary: In today’s Gospel, Jesus heals a woman with a hemorrhage and brings a young girl back to life. In both cases, Jesus breaks down physical and spiritual barriers. We as Christians can only break through the barriers that divide us when we live in the love of Christ. We know who we are in this world not because of signs and miracles, not because we say we love God, but because Jesus calls us in love.

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John the Baptist—June 24, 2012

Preacher: Pastor J.P. Sabithi
Lessons: Malachi 3:1–4 | Psalm 141 | Acts 13:13–26 | Luke 1:57–80
Summary: Today’s readings focus on the birth of John the Baptist. None of us remembers our birth, but our mothers do because they bore the pain. In the same way Christ bears our pain. We learn three things from these readings. First is the name John, which means “graced by Yahweh.” We each have been given the name Christian in our baptism and must carry the message of Christ. Second is the prophesy given at John’s birth. In our baptisms, we see the potential that God has for each of us. Third are the miracles of John’s birth to the aged Elizabeth and his father regaining the power to speak. Each of our births is also a miracle of God’s creation.

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Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 11—June 17, 2012

Preacher: Pastor J.P. Sabithi
Lessons: Ezekiel 17:22–24 | Psalm 92:1–4, 12–15 | 2 Corinthians 5:6–17 | Mark 4:26–34
Summary: In today’s Gospel, Jesus uses seeds and trees to talk about the kingdom of God. For example, in the eighteenth century, the daughter of an American missionary in India had an experience that led her to become a doctor and minister to women and children. This small beginning (seed) grew into a hospital with 2,500 beds (tree). This kind of growth is a mystery we can only sit and watch. As Christians, our seed is Jesus, who died to bring into existence the huge tree of the kingdom. The church operates on faith not sight, charity not profit. It is a great tree that provides shelter to every kind of bird.

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Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 10—June 10, 2012

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Genesis 3:8–15 | Psalm 130 | 2 Corinthians 4:13—5:1 | Mark 3:20–35
Summary: In today’s Gospel, Jesus returns to his home town and performs miracles. Then his family comes looking for him, but he responds by saying that his real family is made up of those who love God. The Holy Spirit creates a new family built on grace that includes everyone. Jesus has called us to this new life of grace and sends us out to share it with the world.

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Trinity Sunday—June 3, 2012

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Isaiah 6:1–8 | Psalm 29 | Romans 8:12–17 | John 3:1–17

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