Children’s Benefit Concert (March 5)

The concert ended with the F.R.O.G.S. Choir singing “Elijah Rock!”

The Sunday School is preparing to offer their annual benefit concert on Saturday, March 5, at 4:00 pm in the LCH Nave. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the children’s very own fundraising concerts.

In the past, the children have performed with song and dance and on trumpet, violin, cello, drums, flute, organ, and piano; and we expect another enjoyable afternoon provided by our talented children. The photo at right shows the F.R.O.G.S. Choir singing “Elijah Rock!” at the end of the 2015 concert, and additional photos are available on the Children’s Benefit Concert 2015 page.

The beneficiary will again be the ELCA Good Gifts program. The children ask the members of the congregation to make a pledge at the concert or any time during Lent which will be added to the money children have contributed during Sunday School. After the concert, the Sunday School decides which particular gifts to fund. The Good Gifts program enables individuals or groups to sponsor gifts of farm animals, clean water, health care, and education to help communities around the world transcend poverty and hunger. This tradition offers our children a chance to practice stewardship by donating their time and talent toward a worthy cause and a chance for adults in the congregation to model stewardship for the children by making contributions in connection with the concert.

We hope you will attend the concert and consider giving $1 a day during Lent ($40) towards the fundraising effort. Please join us on March 5 for an invigorating concert and consider contributing to the ELCA’s worldwide ministries!

Posted in Christian Education, Faith and Arts, Music Ministry, Social Ministries, Sunday School.