Easter Triduum—Maundy Thursday

Our observance of the Great Three Days (Triduum) of Easter began with the Maundy Thursday Liturgy. Members gathered to hear again the story of the Last Supper, when Jesus met with his disciples in the Upper Room before being handed over to suffer and die for us.

The Gospel of John recounts how after supper, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and gave them a new commandment (Latin, mandatum, from which we get the word “Maundy”): ”Love one another.” In response, members of the congregation washed each other’s feet in the Maundy ritual.

The Maundy was followed by Holy Communion, in remembrance that Jesus instituted the sacrament in the Last Supper.

The liturgy concluded with the stripping of the altar, as Jesus was stripped before being crucified.

The Triduum continues with the Good Friday Liturgy and Easter Vigil on Saturday, both at 7:30 pm.

The ministers entered the Nave to begin the service as the choir chanted the introit for the day.Following Jesus’ example at the Last Supper, members washed each other’s feet.The elements of communion were distributed at the rail in remembrance of the institution of the sacrament.Following communion, the elements of the eucharist were removed from the Nave, and then the altar was stripped bare.The congregation contemplated the bare altar and left in silence.
Posted in Worship.