LCH Children’s Conversations—Time after Pentecost 2008 (May, June, and July)

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Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 17—July 27, 2008

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Summary: Today’s gospel tells us the kingdom of God is like a hidden treasure. I hid something here. Can you find it? You found the cross I hid, and that cross represents Jesus, a treasure for each of us. There’s another treasure up here on the altar. Can you find it? Yes, it’s the treasure of God’s love hidden in communion. The kingdom of God is right in front of us.

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Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 16—July 20, 2008

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Summary: Today’s gospel talks about wheat and weeds. Here are some seeds. Can you tell the difference between the wheat seeds and the weed seeds? It can be the same with people. We can’t tell a good person from a bad person just by looking. My friend Mac is a big guy with tattoos, and if you saw him in a dark alley, you might run. But he would probably give you a hug. I know Mac is a good person because he works for Angel Network. We can tell the good people by what they do. It is not for us to decide who is good or bad. God will decide. Our job is to love everyone.

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Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 15—July 13, 2008

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Summary: What is your favorite fruit? How do we get that fruit? Fruit grows on trees or vines, and one seed can become hundreds of fruits. God’s word is like that. One word can grow a whole church. Now think about this: who or what is the fruit of God’s word?

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Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 14—July 6, 2008

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Summary: Last year, one of my first conversations with you was about seeds, and I showed you a mango like this and talked about all the black seeds inside. I had confused it with a papaya, so I made a big mistake. But everyone in the congregation was kind about it and took time to teach me the difference. Paul writes about how we miss the mark. We make mistakes, but God forgives us, and we should forgive each other.

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Peter and Paul, Apostles—June 29, 2008

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Summary: Today we celebrate Peter and Paul. They were two important people who really loved Jesus. In today’s lesson, we hear that Peter was freed from prison and went to tell people about Jesus. Look at this piece of office equipment. The parts are so close together that we cannot get anything between them. But if I pull on the ends and stretch it out, there’s room for all kinds of things in it. In the same way, Peter and Paul opened up the church so there is room for everyone.

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Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 12—June 22, 2008

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Summary: In the usual picture of Jesus, he seems so nice, but today’s Gospel says he will set one family member against another. I used to fight with my brothers all the time when I was young. And today we hear Jesus say that being part of the church isn’t always nice. Sometimes people in church will fight about important ideas. It’s like when we have an itch and have to scratch it. But the most important idea is what one of you children just said: Even when we’re bad, Jesus still loves us.

Listen to this children’s conversation.

Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 11—June 15, 2008

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Summary: Here is a letter I got from my seminary asking for money, and here is another letter addressed to the world from LCH. It says “I love you,” and it’s from God. Our Gospel tells us about the apostles—the sent ones. Jesus sends them out to say “God loves you.” They were like letters. In the same way, God is sending you out as letters to the world telling of God’s love.

Listen to this children’s conversation.

Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 10—June 8, 2008

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Summary:What can we put in this wooden offering bowl? Bread or grapes or money—lots of things. In today’s story, Jesus calls Levi (Matthew), who was a tax collector,and they went to dinner and ate from bowls like this. People asked how Jesus could eat with people like Levi, but Jesus wants us to invite everyone, especially the people no one wants to eat with. Jesus doesn’t just go with the “cool” people. He wants everyone at the table. That’s grace.

Listen to this children’s conversation.

Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 9—June 1, 2008

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Summary:What happens if you stand in the sand at the beach as the waves come in? Your feet begin to sink down. What would be better? A rock. If you stand on a rock, your feet get wet, but you don’t sink down. God’s love is like a rock. We can build our life on it.

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Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 8—May 25, 2008

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Summary: When my son Seth was little, he had “Bucky,” a toy beaver. He took Bucky everywhere and held him tightly when he was afraid. Like Bucky, God is always with us and loves us no matter what. We never outgrow the things that give us comfort, and we never outgrow our need for God.

Listen to this children’s conversation.

Trinity Sunday—May 18, 2008

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Summary: Today is Trinity Sunday, but what is “Trinity”? It comes from the same word as “tricycle,” so it talks about three. We celebrate the three ways we experience God. Three different images can help us understand the persons of the Trinity.

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