LCH Children’s Conversations—Time after Pentecost (August and September) 2013

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Michael and All Angels—September 29, 2013

Preacher: Pastor Angela Freeman
Summary: Today we celebrate a special day, Michael and All Angels. We cannot see angles, but we know God is always with us, and scripture tells us that God sends angels to be with us and help us.

Listen to this children’s conversation.The first part of this children’s conversation did not get recorded.

Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 25—September 22, 2013

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Summary: We used this ball to play a game, and you saw I did’t follow the rules. In today’s Gospel, Jesus praises a manager who cheated on his accounts. I didn’t play fair, and neither did the manager. And God doesn’t always follow the rules either because God still loves you, even when you cheat sometimes. I want each of you to remember that God always loves you, no matter what you do.

Listen to this children’s conversation.

Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 24—September 15, 2013

Preacher: Pastor Angela Freeman
Summary: Just like me, you have probably lost something and had a feeling of panic until you found it. In today’s Gospel, Jesus talks about people who lose something and will not stop until they find it. These stories tell us how much God loves every one of us. You are all special to God, and God seeks you out.

Listen to this children’s conversation.

Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 23—September 8, 2013

Preacher: Pastor Angela Freeman
Summary: Here you all are using your hands to color, and you’re all very good. I know you can use your hands in many other ways. I want you to think about how your hands can do awesome work for God in this world. Your hands are holy because they do God’s work.

Listen to this children’s conversation.

Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 22—September 1, 2013

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Summary: In today’s Gospel, Jesus talks about everyone taking the best seats at a banquet and advises his listeners to take a different seat so they can be invited up front. In your schools some kids can get left out, and and you can help them by being their friends. You can share God by helping people that way.

Listen to this children’s conversation.

Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 21—August 25, 2013

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Summary: In today’s Gospel, Jesus heals a woman who is bent over and can’t stand up. Jesus calls us to unbind things that are tied up. In this bag I have tied up a bunch of balloons. I’m going to let them go, and I want you to keep them free and floating in the air during the rest of the service so you can remember this message of Jesus.

Listen to this children’s conversation.

Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 20—August 18, 2013

Preacher: Pastor Angela Freeman
Summary: In today’s Gospel, Jesus talks about divisions in families. You probably disagree with family members sometimes, but Jesus does not want you to be separated from your family. However, sometimes we go separate ways from friends and family because of big, important issues. You are not supposed to hate them, but you are called to follow where Jesus leads.

Listen to this children’s conversation.

Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 19—August 11, 2013

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Summary: In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells people that God will give us the kingdom. Jesus is talking about the kingdom of God, and you have that kingdom all around you. God has given it all to you to take care of and to love. Whoever you are and wherever you are, it is all yours to care for.

Listen to this children’s conversation.

Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 18—August 4, 2013

Preacher: Pastor Angela Freeman
Summary: You each probably have a piggy bank at home. You may say it belongs to you, but it really belongs to God, and you get to care for it. God created the earth and everything in it, so we have to take good care of our money and everything else. Your challenge for the week to come is to think about how you can do that.

Listen to this children’s conversation.

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