Prayer Preferences

Set Your Personal Interecessions and Thanksgivings

This section allows you to set your personal intercessions and thanksgivings which will then be included in each office. When you click the “Set Petitions” button below, a cookie will be placed on your computer to store these petitions. The cookie will remain active for one year or until you delete it. If you delete the cookie, your personal petitons will no longer appear in the individual offices.

You have not yet set your petitions, or the cookie with your petitions has expired. Enter your petitions below and then click on the “Set Petitions” button. You will then be be returned to this page where you can make additional chancges to your prayer preferences or select the office you want to pray.

To say an office without setting your petitions, go to the Links section of this page.

Include your own petitions?

Notes: Only the the filled-in petitions will be displayed, but even a single space will cause that line to display. To ensure proper display of your petitons, do not use the | character when entering your petitions.

Petiton 1:

Petiton 2:

Petiton 3:

Petiton 4:

Petiton 5:


Return to the Daily Prayer home page.

To say one of the offices, follow one of these links:

Morning Prayer Evening Prayer
Noon Prayer Compline

Daily Prayer is brought to you by the people of the Lutheran Church of Honolulu.

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