Children’s Conversations—Time after Pentecost (August and September) 2014 (Year A)

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For children’s conversations since Advent 2007, visit our Children’s Conversations Archive.

Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 26—September 28, 2014

Preacher: Pastor Angela Freeman
Summary: I have trouble with riddles, so today’s Gospel was hard for me because Jesus is asking questions that are like riddles. The religious leaders of his time ask him the source of his power, and he answers with his own questions. Of course, we know the Scriptures, so we understand that Jesus’ power comes from the fact that he is God, and we know God loves us.

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Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 25—September 21, 2014

Preacher: Pastor Angela Freeman
Summary: All of us have said, “This isn’t fair.” In today’s Gospel, that’s what the workers say in the story Jesus tells. They don’t like the fact that the landowner paid the people who worked a little the same as those who worked all day. They think they deserve more. The landowner in the story represents God, and the good news for us is that God does not deal with us as we deserve. God loves us and is gracious and merciful to us, even though we don’t deserve it.

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Holy Cross—September 14, 2014

Preacher: Pastor Angela Freeman
Summary: Today I brought a friend, my dog, Molly. A few years ago she was injured and couldn’t walk, but then she got a knee replacement, and now she’s fine. This is one example of something we used to think was impossible but now can be done. In the part of the Gospel just before what we read today, Nicodemus thought it was impossible to be born again. But our God is a wonderful God who loves the world so much and can do impossible things.

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Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 23—September 7, 2014

Preacher: Pastor Angela Freeman
Summary: Today I brought an icon of the Holy Family. Sometimes families look like this one, and sometimes they are quite different. Of course, all of us here in church are a family as well, and we know that when two or three of us are together, Christ is with us. I am really glad you and everyone here are part of my family.

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Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 22—August 31, 2014

Preacher: Pastor Angela Freeman
Summary: In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells the disciples to take up their crosses and follow him. We never have to die on the cross because Jesus did, but we are called to focus less on ourselves and more on our community.

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Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 21—August 24, 2014

Preacher: Pastor Angela Freeman
Summary: Do you know that each of you has a superpower, and so does everyone here? Some are very kind or can explain difficult things; others are patient. These are gifts from God, and this week I want each of you to think about your superpower—your gift. God wants you and all of us to use those gifts to build up the church and for the good of the world.

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Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 20—August 17, 2014

Preacher: Pastor Angela Freeman
Summary: Today I brought my Circle of the Church Year. It’s like the one we have in the Godly Play room, and I brought it because I want to get you excited about what’s happening in a couple of weeks. We will be blessing the Godly Play room and setting it aside as a special room just for you, where you can connect with God. I hope you will all be there on August 31.

This week’s children’s conversation did not get recorded for technical reasons.

Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 19—August 10, 2014

Preacher: Pastor Angela Freeman
Summary: In today’s Gospel we hear how the disciples are on a boat in a storm, and Jesus comes walking to them on the water. Peter tries to walk to Jesus on the water, but when he notices the storm, he begins to sink. Jesus reaches out, and when Peter looks at him, he’s OK. Like Peter, when I focus on the storm around me, I don’t do well. We all need to focus on Jesus, not on the storms of the world and in our lives.

This week’s children’s conversation did not get recorded for technical reasons.

Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 18—August 3, 2014

Preacher: Peggy Anderson
Summary: This is a time during worship when I get hungry, so I brought a snack, but there’s not enough for everyone. It’s like today’s Gospel when Jesus is in a remote place and there are lots of hungry people. So, Jesus gathers up some bread and fish to give to them, and there’s enough for everyone. What would Jesus do now? Oh, look; lots of people from the congregation are bringing extra snacks. Now we have enough for all of you and lots left over for others after church.

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