Stewardship 2020

Weaving Our Tapestry of Faith

During the 2019–20 program year, LCH continues on our journey of “year-round” stewardship through a series of activities that create a tapestry—visible to others—that is filled with and reflects God’s love for us and for all creation.

  • October: Introducing our Theme—The Stewardship Team introduced the theme and offered “opportunities for each of us to understand God’s call to be good stewards of all that we have been given and to discover how the various threads we bring into God’s tapestry are woven together into a tapestry of justice as we do kindness, walk humbly with God and share God’s love.” Read the entire article….
  • December: The Weaving Begins—The Stewardship Team introduced the process of creating the actual tapestry representing out life together. The foundation of the tapestry was prepared by our resident weaver, Juditha Murashige. Members of the congregation were invited to add meaningful items that somehow express our unique ways of participating in the weaving of God’s ever-evolving living tapestry. During Advent and Christmas, the congregation focussed on weaving faith and the arts. Read the entire article….
  • April: Weaving Faith and Justice—In a time of social distancing and streaming worship, the Stewardship Team replaced planned activities with an invitation to prepare items that could be woven into the tapestry at a later date and to pursue activities that could be practiced in a socially-distanced world. Read the entire article….
  • May: Weaving Faith and Creation—For the Easter Season, the Stewardship Team invited us to notice new life in the creation around us and to weave small changes for the good of creation into our daily lives. Read the entire article….
  • June: Weaving Faith and Self-Care—Members of the congregation were invited to join is a couple of virtual activities for self-and personal-care. Read the entire article….
  • August: Weaving Faith and Community—As part of their focus on weaving faith and community, the Stewardship Team invited Miles Sato to introduce the congregation to the Blue Zones Project. Read the entire article….
  • September: Reflecting on our Weaving—Since we have not been meeting in person, people have not had many opportunities to weave items in the tapestry, so the Stewardship Team invited members to share thoughts on items they have added to the tapestry or items they would like to add. Read the entire article….
  • October: Gratitude for our Tapestry of Faith—Wrapping up our year of weaving, the Stewardship Team thanked all of us for being good stewards by sharing our talents as well as maintaining our giving to the congregation. At end the month, there will be an invitation for each of us to renew our commitments of support for LCH with our talents, time, and treasure. Read the entire article….   2020 Commitment Materials