LCH Sermons—Easter 2018 (Year B)

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For recorded sermons since Easter 2007 and earlier sermon texts, visit our Sermon Archive.

Day of Pentecost—May 20, 2018

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Acts 2:1–21 | Psalm 104:24–34, 35b | Romans 8:22–27 | John 15:26–27; 16:4b–15
Summary: Today we celebrate Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples and the church was born. Acts speaks of a mighty rush of wind and tongues of fire and tells us that everyone heard the voice of God anew in their own language. The Holy Spirit still moves people to hear and see anew and to realize the the violence of this world is no match for the love of God. This is no placid spirit but a might rushing wind that moves the church and leads us to sing together in the language of God’s love.

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Ascension of Our Lord (transferred)—May 13, 2018

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Acts 1:1–11 | Psalm 47 | Ephesians 1:15–23 | Luke 24:44–53
Summary: Today’s Gospel is the last bit of Luke, where Jesus reminds the disciples that he suffered and died for the world and then ascends. The story continues in the beginning of Acts where he tells them that the Holy Spirit will come. In this way, the ascension is both and ending and a beginning. It’s like a game of tag when the responsibility for God’s ministry is passed to the disciples, with no tag back. We do not need to bring God to people, for God is already here doing the kingdom. Our job is to figure out how we fulfill God’s promise of justice, peace, and love. Tag; we’re it.

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Easter VI—May 6, 2018

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Acts 10:44–48 | Psalm 98 | 1 John 5:1–6 | John 15:9–17
Summary: In our Gospel, Jesus gives the disciples a new commandment, telling them to abide in his love, but what does this agape love look like? Luther said that love looks like a man hanging on a tree. It is all abut Christ pouring himself out for all of us. The only commandment that matters is to love one another. May we live out that vision in all we do as a church and as Christians.

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Easter V—April 29, 2018

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Acts 8:26–40 | Psalm 22:25–31 | 1 John 4:7–21 | John 15:1–8
Summary: In our Gospel, Jesus says, “I am the vine, and you are the branches” and later that God will prune away any branch that does not bear fruit. This later part has been used to cut off people who did not fit in. But what does it mean to bear fruit? The key is for us to abide in Christ as Christ abides in us in absolute love. In today’s first lesson, God welcomes the Ethiopian eunuch, who had four strikes against him. God’s love encompasses us all like a tenacious vine that bears fruit in unlimited variety.

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Easter IV/Earth Day—April 22, 2018

Preacher: Peter Flachsbart
Lessons: Acts 4:5–12 | Psalm 23 | 1 John 3:16–24 | John 10:11–18
Summary: In Genesis, God calls creation good, but today ecosystems are under great pressure. We are not being good stewards of the Earth that God entrusted to us and not showing love to those who suffer the most from environmental problems. There are many things we can do as individuals, but we also need to change public policy to build a society where we care for one another and all creation.

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Easter III—April 15, 2018

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Acts 3:12–19 | Psalm 4 | 1 John 3:1–7 | Luke 24:36b–48
Summary: In today’s Gospel, Jesus appears the disciples after resurrection, and they were afraid because they thought he was a ghost. Jesus shows his hands and feet so they know he is not a ghost. The disciples rejoice even as they disbelieve. Faith exists with doubt, not certainty. In the same way, Jesus appears to us in wine and bread, in challenge and love, and in each other. And God continues to be present with and through us, and God sends us out so that everyone hears the good news of Jesus.

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Easter II—April 8, 2018

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Acts 4:32–35 | Psalm 133 | 1 John 1:1–2:2 | John 20:19–31
Summary: In the Gospel from John, Jesus appears to the disciples on Easter and then a week later, saying “Peace be with you” and giving them the Holy Spirit and the power to forgive and retain sins. The church institutionalized this so that the priest decided who is forgiven, leading to problems. However, a reading more in keeping with the whole Gospel of John is a call that we hold each other fast as Jesus holds us fast and gives us the support so that do not fall.

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Easter Sunday—April 1, 2018

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Acts 10:34–43 | Psalm 118:1–2, 14–24 | 1 Corinthians 15:1–11 | Mark 16:1–8
Summary: It’s a joy to begin our worship with the words “Alleluia! Christ is risen!” We have said these words for centuries, and it’s an incredible message the world needs to hear, especially in these challenging times. Mark’s Gospel ends simply with the message that Jesus is not in the tomb but has gone ahead to meet the disciples in Galilee, where Jesus sends them out to proclaim salvation. These days the world needs light and hope. Jesus promises to be with us as we go out to drive away darkness and bring light and peace.

We expect this sermon to be available soon.