Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany 2019/20 (Year A)

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Last Sunday after Epiphany / Transfiguration of Our Lord—February 23, 2020

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Exodus 24:12–18 | Psalm 2 | 2 Peter 1:16–21 | Matthew 17:1–9
Summary: In today’s Gospel, Jesus takes some disciples with him up the mountain, and he is transfigured. There are bright lights, and Moses and Elijah are standing with Jesus, but this is more than an other-worldly vision. Most important is that the voice of God says that Jesus is God’s beloved son. This means that we are also beloved children of God. And like the disciples, we are sent into the world to proclaim God’s love.

We expect this sermon to be available soon.

Sixth Sunday after Epiphany / Faith and Arts Sunday—February 16, 2020

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Deuteronomy 30:15–20 | Psalm 119:1–8 | 1 Corinthians 3:1–9 | Matthew 5:21–37
Summary: Today’s Gospel, where Jesus unpacks the law, can make us uncomfortable. Jesus takes the law one step further and strips away the loopholes so we cannot get around the law. He does this to reinterpret the law in terms of human relationships and to show us that the purpose of the law is to reconcile us with each other and with God.

We expect this sermon to be available soon.

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany—February 9, 2020

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Isaiah 58:1–12 | Psalm 112:1–10 | 1 Corinthians 2:1–16 | Matthew 5:13–20
Summary: In today’s familiar Gospel, Jesus tells the whole crowd “You are the light of the world” and “the salt of the earth.” Each of us should ask ourselves in what way we are light and salt.

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Fourth Sunday after Epiphany / Reconcilng in Christ Sunday—February 2, 2020

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Micah 6:1–8 | Psalm 15 | 1 Corinthians 1:18–31 | Matthew 5:1–12
Summary: Today’s Gospel includes the Beatitudes, in which Jesus tells how God blesses people in ways that are very different from our own ideas of what it means to be blessed. In the 1990s, LCH made a public statement of our welcome to LGBTQ+ people. This is another example of how we see with different eyes what God is up to in the world. It has also been a blessing to this entire congregation. What will each of us do now to continue being a part of what God is doing in this world?

We expect this sermon to be available soon.

Third Sunday after Epiphany—January 26, 2020

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Isaiah 9:1–4 | Psalm 27:1, 4–9 | 1 Corinthians 1:10–18 | Matthew 4:12–23
Summary: In today’s Gospel, Jesus calls Peter, Andrew, James, and John to be fishers of people. This story reminds me of the young Thai soccer players trapped in a cave a couple of years ago. Those boys must have been overjoyed when the first light of a rescuer came to them, but in order to reach the light, they first had to descend into darkness and hardship. The new disciples follow Jesus as he associates with disreputable people, suffers, and dies; they see light in Jesus, follow him, and are transformed. Jesus calls each of us to discipleship, so we bind ourselves to Christ and are transformed to be love, food, and light to the world and to proclaim that the kingdom of God is at hand.

We expect this sermon to be available soon.

Second Sunday after Epiphany—January 19, 2020

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Isaiah 49:1–7 | Psalm 40:1–11 | 1 Corinthians 1:1–9 | John 1:29–42
Summary: In today’s Gospel, John is presented as witness to the Messiah rather than as the baptizer. John’s Gospel begins with the statement that the Word dwells among us. In today’s story, two of John’s disciples ask Jesus where he is staying (dwelling), and Jesus tells them to come and see. Today, Jesus invites us all to come and see how Jesus dwells with the outcast and shows the light of love. Like Martin Luther King, we can make a difference in the lives of others when we show our concern and shine the light of love.

We expect this sermon to be available soon.

Baptism of Our Lord—January 12, 2020

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Isaiah 42:1–9 | Psalm 29 | Acts 10:34–43 | Matthew 3:13–17
Summary: The baptism of Jesus connects us with our own baptism. Just as God names Jesus God’s child, God’s beloved, so also God names us beloved children of God. This agape love is the foundation of our life. Only love can bring the justice revealed in the Isaiah reading.

We expect this sermon to be available soon.

Epiphany of Our Lord (transferred)—January 5, 2020

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Isaiah 60:1–6 | Psalm 72:1–7, 10–14 | Ephesians 3:1–12 | Matthew 2:1–12
Summary: The story of the three kings shows God being manifest in the world, but it also foreshadows what will happen to Jesus at the hands of society. It’s often easy for us to name the problems in our society, but it’s more difficult to know what to do about them. How do we make God’s light and radiance manifest in a world filled with Herods? We are challenged to become the light of Christ that reveals truth and love, transforms us from slave to free, welcomes all, and proclaims the presence of God in all kinds of darkness.

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First Sunday of Christmas—December 29, 2019

Lessons and carols—no sermon.

Christmas Day—December 25, 2019

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Isaiah 52:7–10 | Psalm 98 | Hebrews 1:1–12 | John 1:1–14
Summary: Our Gospel lesson from John shows us how Jesus is related to us. The word is in the world, but we do not know it until the word becomes flesh and dwells among us. This is the most powerful theological statement. Jesus has pitched his tent with us. This is Good News for use every day.

We expect this sermon to be available soon.

Christmas Eve—December 24, 2019

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Isaiah 9:2–7 | Psalm 96 | Titus 2:11–14 | Luke 2:1–20
Summary: Christmas has become so enculturated that few of us give much thought to what it really means. The birth of Jesus is more than a sweet story. For us, it is an amazing event to be treasured in our hearts and proclaimed to the world.

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Advent IV—December 22, 2019

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Isaiah 7:10–16 | Psalm 80:1–7, 17–19 | Romans 1:1–7 | Matthew 1:18–25
Summary: Matthew’s Gospel is the only one to tell us about Joseph. When he finds out that Mary is pregnant, he resolves to divorce her quietly, but God comes in a dream and tells him not to be afraid but take her as his wife. These days there is so much for us—and for the church—to be afraid about. But there is too much at stake for us to be afraid. God is calling us to live the Gospel, stand up for justice, share our faith, and tell everyone of God’s love

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Advent III—December 15, 2019

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Isaiah 35:1–10 | Psalm 146:5–10 | James 5:7–10 | Matthew 11:2–11
Summary: The time of John the Baptist was one of unrest, poverty, and inequality. For centuries, the Jewish people had been asking “Are you the one, or shall we wait for another?” They asked John that question in the wilderness; and later, in today’s Gospel, when John is in prison, he sends his disciples to ask Jesus. Jesus tells them to look at his actions in the world. Our world is also a world of political unrest, poverty, and inequality, and we continue to look for one who will make things better. We know that the one for whom we wait is already here. We may not clearly see the promised hope. However, glimpses of joy tell us that God’s graces abides with us.

We expect this sermon to be available soon.

Advent II—December 8, 2019

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Isaiah 11:1–10 | Psalm 72:1–7, 18–19 | Romans 15:4–13 | Matthew 3:1–12
Summary: In today’s Gospel, John the Baptist tells the people that the one coming after him will baptize with fire, wield his winnowing fork, and burn the chaff. We are used to hearing this message from John in end-times preaching, but Jesus’ winnowing fork in the Gospels is different. Jesus transforms us with love, which is more effective in changing behavior than fear and punishment. God’s relentless, ever-present, persistent grace changes us and the world. We still see suffering and misery around us, but that does not mean that love has failed or that God’s promise is not real. God’s kingdom is coming into being, and we lived deeply in God’s promised love and Christ’s presence.

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Advent I—December 1, 2019

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Lessons: Isaiah 2:1–5 | Psalm 122 | Romans 13:11–14 | Matthew 24:36–44
Summary: In today’s Gospel, Jesus reminds the people to be awake and watchful because God may come at anytime. The church today and in the past seems to ignore signs that the world is changing and keeps doing the same thing. Jesus is telling the people of his time and us that God is active in the world, and we need to look past ourselves and see what God is up to. Jesus reminds us to stay awake, not to sleep through injustice, to see how God is active the world, and to be the church for God’s future.

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