Children’s Conversations—Lent 2016 (Year C)

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For children’s conversations since Advent 2007, visit our Children’s Conversations Archive.

Palm Sunday—March 20, 2016

Singing of the Passion Gospel—no children’s conversation

Lent V—March 13, 2016

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Summary: We’re used to doing things in a certain way, and it seems very strange if we try to do it differently. In today’s Gospel, Mary pours perfume on Jesus’ feet, and that seems strange. But God is up to something new that the disciples don’t yet understand. We like to do things the same way, but I pray you will understand the new ways God is moving in the world and in your lives and be a part of it

Listen to this children’s conversation

Lent IV—March 6, 2016

Preacher: Pastor J. P. Sabbithi
Summary: Here is a dollar bill for each of you. If you tore it in pieces, you could take it to the bank and get a new one. And if you lost it, it would still have the same value. It’s the same with each of us. We may get lost and wander from God, but we still have to same value to God. Each of us is a precious child of God.

Listen to this children’s conversation

Lent III—February 28, 2016

Preacher: Pastor Phyllis Hormann
Summary: If you knew that today was the last day you would have, how would you use it? We don’t know how much time we have, so Jesus tells us to turn to God and to take care of the things that really matter.

This children’s conversation was not recorded for technical reasons.

Lent II—February 21, 2016

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Summary: Today we heard about Abram (later Abraham) who was worried because he didn’t have an heir, but God promised he would have land and as many descendants as the stars in the sky. That’s as many children as if I asked you to count all the spots on our floor. It was a huge promise, and God kept that promise. God also promises to love each of you forever. That’s another huge promise, and we know God will keep it, just like God kept his promise to Abram.

This children’s conversation was not recorded for technical reasons.

Lent I—February 14, 2016

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Summary: Imagine the thing you want the most for Christmas. If it was a week or so before Christmas and someone said you could have that, you’d probably do just about anything to get it. In today’s Gospel, the devil tempts Jesus, but Jesus never gives in. Jesus is full of the love of God, and that is all Jesus needs. You too can be secure in God’s love for you, so you can withstand any temptation.

This children’s conversation was not recorded for technical reasons.