Children’s Conversations—Time after Pentecost (August and September) 2017 (Year A)

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For children’s conversations since Advent 2007, visit our Children’s Conversations Archive.

Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 25—September 24, 2017

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Summary: In our first lesson, the people of Israel are in the desert. They’re hungry and complaining, and God sends them manna. At first they don’t know what it is, but it’s a kind of bread. God sends them the manna and quails to fulfill God’s promise to be with them. Each week God gives us bread and wine in communion. It’s also a promise that God will be with us and sustain us.

This children’s conversation was not recorded for technical reasons.

Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 24—September 17, 2017

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Summary: You may have had a fight with your brother or sister or friend. Did you forgive that person? Forgiveness means that there was a split and you made it whole. In our Gospel, Peter asks Jesus how many times to forgive, and Jesus tells him to forgive a whole bunch of times. When we have a fight, we often wait for the other one to apologize. But God is ready to forgive before we ask, and we should give away our forgiveness in the same way. I’m going to give you each a couple of shell lei. You can keep one and give the other away, or you can give them both away, or you can come back and get even more lei to give away.

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Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 23—September 10, 2017

Preacher: Pastor David Barber
Summary: Let’s go back to the Baptismal Font and remember the Thanksgiving for Baptism at the beginning of today’s service. I said that we are all joined together in Christ in the sacrament of baptism. So let’s all join hands and stand together around the font and we will all feel close together. But when we step back, we feel a bit separated, but we are still holding hands, so we still remember that we are joined together in Christ. Today’s Gospel lesson talks about times when people in church are unhappy with each other, and it provides a method for working out those differences. As members of Christ through baptism, we are all parts of God’s family.

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Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 22—September 3, 2017

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Summary: You all know each other’s names, but what is God’s name? In our first lesson, God tells Moses that his name is “I am,” or maybe “I was,” or even “I will be.” God’s name is huge and expansive, and that name tells us that all of the present, past, and future is with the God who is.

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Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 21—August 27, 2017

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Summary: In today’s Gospel, Jesus asks the disciples who people say he is, and they give various answers. Then Jesus asks who they say he is, and Peter answers that Jesus is the Messiah. Jesus praises Peter and says that Peter is the rock on which Jesus will build the church. A rock is hard and strong, but it isn’t perfect, ad neither was Peter. God saw Peter’s faith as a rock to build on, and God sees each of you as beloved children, so God will use each of you to build the church.

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Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 20—August 20, 2017

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Summary: When I was your age, I learned the song “Jesus Loves the Little Children.” It doesn’t say that Jesus loves only some children, but some people these days don’t think Jesus loves everyone. In our Gospel today, Jesus ignores the Canaanite woman at first, and then says he wasn’t sent to people like her. But her faith leads Jesus to heal her daughter. Jesus learns that he was sent to all people, and we need to learn the same lesson.

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Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 19—August 13, 2017

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Summary: Today we get to tell my favorite Bible story, so get into this boat like the disciples did and hold up this sail. The wind and waves buffeted the boat, and suddenly Jesus appeared. Jesus told them not to be afraid, but there were. And the Jesus called Peter out of the boat, and he came across the water. But then he got scared and fell into the water. Jesus reached out to him, they both got in the boat, and the wind and waves stopped. God always reaches out to us in the same way, so we are safe in God’s presence.

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Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 18—August 6, 2017

Preacher: Pastor Jeff Lilley
Summary: I love art and want everyone to be making art all the time, even in church, so I want your help passing out crayons to everyone in church. But you wait; you don’t think these five crayons are enough for everyone. In our Gospel, the disciples want to send the hungry people away, but Jesus has compassion on them. Jesus blesses the bread and fish, and everyone has enough. So often we look at the little bit we have and think we can’t do anything. Jesus loved the people, and there was enough. In the same way, living in God’s abundant love, we can find a way.

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