Readings, Hymns, and Music—July 2015

July 5
Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 14
Ezekiel 2:1–5 | Psalm 123 | 2 Corinthians 12:2–10 | Mark 6:1–13 full texts
9:15 AM
Service Music
ELW Setting Three
Gathering Hymn
Let us build a house where love can dwell
elw 641
Psalm 123: Our Eyes Are on the Lord
Philip Duffy (1943—)
Childrenʻs Hymn
We Are Called (vv. 1–2 | 3)
elw 720
Hymn of the Day
We all are one in mission
elw 576
Offertory Anthem
Here I Am, Lord
Dan Schutte (1947—)
Communion Motet
Table Song
David Haas (1957—)
Sending Hymn
Lord, you give the great commission
elw 579
July 12
Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 15
Amos 7:7–15 | Psalm 85:8–13 | Ephesians 1:3–14 | Mark 6:14–29 full texts
9:15 AM
Service Music
ELW Setting Three
Gathering Hymn
Lift high the cross
elw 660
Psalm 85: Lord, let us see your kindness
Marty Haugen (1950—)
Childrenʻs Hymn
We Are Called (vv. 1–2 | 3)
elw 720
Hymn of the Day
Let justice flow like streams
elw 717
Offertory Anthem
The Harvest of Justice
David Haas (1957—)
Communion Motet
In the breaking of the bread
Bob Hurd (1950—)
Sending Hymn
To be your presence
elw 546
July 19
Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 16
Jeremiah 23:1–6 | Psalm 23 | Ephesians 2:11–22 | Mark 6:30–34, 53–56 full texts
9:15 AM
Service Music
ELW Setting Three
Gathering Hymn
Savior, like a Shepherd Lead Us
elw 789
Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd
Randall Sensmeier (1948—)
Childrenʻs Hymn
We Are Called (vv. 1–2 | 3)
elw 720
Hymn of the Day
My Shepherd, You Supply My Need
elw 782
Offertory Anthem
As a Fire Is Meant for Burning
music B. F. White (1800–1879), text Ruth C. Duck (1947—)
Communion Motet
Blest Are They, an improvisation
David Haas (1957—) & Jean Cotter (1964—)
Sending Hymn
God, Whose Almighty Word
elw 673
July 26
Time after Pentecost • Lectionary 17
2 Kings 4:42–44 | Psalm 145:10–18 | Ephesians 3:14–21 | John 6:1–21 full texts
9:15 AM
Service Music
ELW Setting Three
Gathering Hymn
All who Hunger, Gather Gladly
elw 461
Psalm 145:10–18 I Will Praise Your Name
David Haas (1957—)
Childrenʻs Hymn
By Your Hand You Feed Your People (vv. 1–2 | 3)
elw 469
Hymn of the Day
Break Now the Bread of Life
elw 515
Offertory Anthem
Behold the Lamb
Martin Willett (1960—)
Communion Motet
Let Us Break Bread Together
American folk hymn, arr. Carlton R. Young (1964—)
Sending Hymn
Lead Me, Guide Me
elw 768
Revised: 23 July 2015