Monthly Dinner at IHS

The LCH crew ready to serve dinner at IHS.The LCH crew ready to serve dinner at IHS.

The regular LCH crew was back at the Instittue for Human Services (IHS), Honolulu’s largest homeless shelter, on Friday evening, February 21, for their monthy dinner of meatloaf, rice, salad, fruit, and dessert. Earlier in the afternoon, Jimmy Castro, Billie Jean Ries, and Ilse Layau had prepared the meatloaf and put it in the oven to cook.

That evening, the crew served almost 200 guests at the main shelter and a number of women and children in a neighboring facility. LCH has been preparing and serving dinner at IHS on the third Friday of each month for more than 25 years.

New volunteers are always welcome to join in the fun (and enjoy the delicious meatloaf dinner). Speak to Jimmy Castro or any other member of the crew for more information and to become part of the group.