Barbershop Quartet for the Last Summer Sunday

August 30, the last summer Sunday with only one worship service, Scott Fikse, our new director of music and liturgy, brought along the other members of his Barbershop Quartet to provide music for worship. Pastor Jeff joked that the roof might cave in because LCH is not used to this kind of music, but God was cool with it all, and the roof is still intact.

Society Dues, which includes Scott and three friends, is beginning their second year of competing within the Barbershop Harmony Society, so when Scott moved to Honolulu this summer to join the staff at LCH, they decided to rehearse here for the upcoming Evergreen District competition in October. (The sacrifices one makes for the sake of music!) Everyone at LCH was glad to welcome them to worship on Sunday and to hear their uplifting renditions of spiritual songs.

Posted in Congregational Life, Faith and Arts, Music Ministry, Worship.