Congregation Considers New Initiatives

Call Committee Recommends Associate Pastor

Vicar BreeOver the past few months, members of the congregation have approached Pastor Jeff about the possibility of calling Vicar Bree Lloyd to serve as a pastor at LCH. After several conversations with Bishop Andy Taylor and other synod staff, it was determined that Vicar Bree was eligible to be a pastoral candidate at LCH. Pastor Jeff and Vicar Bree had several conversations exploring her sense of call, the mission of the congregation, possible roles, and the challenges and opportunities such a call might present; and Vicar Bree expressed interest in working with the congregation toward a part-time call. Pastor Jeff forwarded the request from members to the Congregational Council Executive Committee, and they agreed to bring it to the attention of the full council.

At their July meeting, the Congregational Council appointed an exploration team consisting of members of the congregation to explore the possibility of calling an associate pastor. Josie Bidgood, Keene Ishii, April Olsen, Steve Miller, Mary Fastenau, and Peter Flachsbart served on the committee. They have worked enthusiastically to developed a mission profile and considered how God might be moving LCH into the future and what role an associate pastor might play. At the September meeting, the council received the report of the exploration team and voted to move forward with consideration of calling Vicar Bree as a part-time, term-call pastor.

In the next couple of weeks, you will receive a report from the call committee and council outlining the missional opportunities they believe the congregation might undertake and how Vicar Bree, as a pastoral candidate, might help the congregation to move forward. Of particular interest is working toward a deeper ministry in creation care and community involvement. You will be invited to take part in one of two Zoom “town hall” meetings where you will have a chance to be heard, make suggestions, and ask questions. If the results of the town hall meetings are positive, the council will schedule a special congregational meeting in the next few weeks and ask the congregation to authorize a call. Calling a pastor is a congregational decision that is not to be made lightly. Please be assured that, throughout this process, congregational leadership has been serious in their discernment and focused on the mission of the congregation. We ask for your prayers as we look boldly into the future!

Digital Organ Discussion

organ graphicThursday, October 14, at 7:00 pm • Via Zoom Meeting

Many of you have noticed the new organ console in the Nave. This instrument is on loan from BYUH with the possibility of remaining at LCH as a supplementary instrument. There will be a Q&A and discussion hour regarding the organ on Thursday, October 14, at 7:00 pm. All are invited to attend. Please email Scott Fikse at to receive the Zoom invitation. Bring your questions, praise, and concerns. This will also be an opportunity to learn about the instrument and the pros and cons of owning a digital organ.

Posted in Congregational Life, Music Ministry, Pastoral Staff.