In-Person Worship Resumes Sunday, December 5

masked worshippers in pewsLutheran Church of Honolulu will resume in-person attendance at worship beginning Sunday, December 5, at the 10:00 am worship service. For those living outside of O‘ahu or not wishing to attend in-person, worship services will continued to be livestreamed on the LCH Facebook page and our own Worship Services page, making this a hybrid service.

All attendees eligible for vaccination must show proof of vaccination on arrival, and everyone on campus must remain masked for the duration including during worship.
 Unvaccinated adults must show a negative covid-19 test taken within a 72-hour window. Children not yet vaccinated will be allowed to attend but must be masked.

Social distancing will be observed through preset seating.
 One Sundays when Holy Communion is celebrated, communion will be by individual wafer and disposable cups distributed to attendees in their seats. Initially there will be no fellowship hour.

Posted in Worship.