Observing Advent—Jesse Tree and Advent Devotions

Children Lead Jesse Tree Devotion Each Sunday at 9:10 am

placing a symbol on the Jesse TreeDuring Advent the whole congregation joins our children for the Jesse Tree devotions each Sunday in the nave at 9:10. It is a tradition at LCH for the children to present this short service of music and readings during Advent. Each week the children focus on the people in the Old Testament that lead the way for Christ. This year the Jesse Tree service will be held on December 2, 9, 16, and 23.

Sometimes called the Root of Jesse or radix Jesse in Latin, the Jesse Tree is a visual representation of Jesus’ genealogy dating back to Jesse, the father of David. The Jesse Tree is found in the writings of Church Fathers, Latin hymns, and in visual arts—especially during the 12th to 16th centuries.

Each week’s presentation is divided into segments referring to key figures in the genealogy. Each segment begins with one child who introduces the character by describing key events in their life and relating those events to our lives today. During this presentation, one of the younger children hangs the individual’s symbol on the tree. Then all the children sing the verse about that individual from the Jesse Tree song, with the congregation joining in the chorus. Each week, the chorus grows as new inviduals are added. And when Advent IV arrives, we can sing the whole story of the Jesse Tree.

2018 Advent Devotions Available

For many years LCH maintained a tradition of creating a devotional for the Season of Advent, using short meditations written by parishioners.

Our intern pastor this year, Vicar Andrew Flatt- Kuntze, brought this project back to life. He selected the verses, recruited the writers, and gentle encouraged everyone to meet the deadlines and guidelines. A special thank you to all writers for your thoughtful participation.

Download your copy of the 2018 Advent Devotions booklet.

Posted in Christian Education, Congregational Life, Sunday School, Worship.