Feast of St. Francis—Blessing of the Animals • Sunday, October 6, at both morning services

St. Francis graphicRecognizing God’s love for all creatures and in celebration of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, please join us for the Blessing of the Animals, during worship at both services. We will have pet treats available for the social hour and water stations to keep our friends comfortable.

Feel free to bring your pets of various species to church with you. Please be mindful of temperament and companionability. Some pets simply do not get along with others and should remain comfortably at home. We will bless them from afar.

There will be a pet-free zone for those who may be uncomfortable sitting next to a water buffalo or a duckbill platypus. Without exception, all pets must be leashed or caged at all times while on campus. Free flights of large birds and unfettered wandering of Bengal tigers will, no doubt, lead to unpleasantness. So please, religiously observe the commandment to cage and leash at all times.

Posted in Congregational Life, Worship.