LCH Garden Planning 2022 • Wednesday, January 12, 1:00 pm

Vicar Bree by the first garden bedThe small but mighty LCH garden is reviving! For anyone who has garden ideas or who has interest in planning this year’s garden, let Pastor Bree know at You are also welcome to join Pastor Bree in person for a gardening hour on Wednesday, January 12, from 1:00 to 2:00 pm. We will clean-up the two beds, maybe start some seeds, and dream about what the garden might provide for the church and neighborhood.

Mother’s Day Garden Celebration • May 9 at 1:00 pm

Josie Bidgood planting seedsA blessed Mother’s Day to all those who identify as mothers in body and in spirit!

For anyone interested in celebrating Mother’s Day by planting flower seeds, this Sunday offers the opportunity to you. Vicar Bree will be in the garden from 1:00 to 2:00 pm this Sunday, May 9th, planting various flower seeds, as well as some other vegetable seeds.

Aside from planting seeds, it will be a chance to gather in-person outdoors for conversation and community. All are welcome to join.

Earth Day Garden Gathering

LCH children and families gathered Saturday morning, April 24, in the church garden to celebrate and recognize Earth Day. Vicar Bree helped the children learn about caring for creation as they explored and tended the garden beds and all the creepy crawlers in them. They learned about the work of gardeners—seeding, weeding, watering, harvesting, and learning about soil and insects. It was a chance for everyone to get their hands dirty, to give back to creation that gives to us, and to mālama ‘āina.

The slideshow below gives you and idea of all the fun and learning that took place.

LCH Garden Volunteer Opportunities

Vicar Bree by the first garden bedThe month of March included two great volunteer days! The second bed, at the front of the church facing Punahou Street, is now complete and has even a few plants—some basil, chard and squash. We also planted an exciting variety of seeds from the Seed Lab at University of Hawai‘i. The seeds included Paukea cauliflower, U.H. Mānoa lettuce, kai choy, Koba green onion, Komohana grape tomatoes, Hawaiian chili peppers, and Ka‘ala bell peppers! So far, the peppers and a few green onions are peeking above the soil! Thank you gardeners! Look for upcoming volunteer days in April.

Our garden volunteer days will continue in April. We’ll plant the next bed in the shady area by the playground facing Punahou Street. If you have herb seeds, bring them! Garden volunteer days will be Easter Monday, April 5, at 5:30 pm, and Thursday, April 29, at 12:30 pm. Don’t forget your Blue Zones pledges!

Peggy Anderson and Vicar Bree transplant into the second garden bed