LCH Garden Volunteer Opportunities

Vicar Bree by the first garden bedThe month of March included two great volunteer days! The second bed, at the front of the church facing Punahou Street, is now complete and has even a few plants—some basil, chard and squash. We also planted an exciting variety of seeds from the Seed Lab at University of Hawai‘i. The seeds included Paukea cauliflower, U.H. Mānoa lettuce, kai choy, Koba green onion, Komohana grape tomatoes, Hawaiian chili peppers, and Ka‘ala bell peppers! So far, the peppers and a few green onions are peeking above the soil! Thank you gardeners! Look for upcoming volunteer days in April.

Our garden volunteer days will continue in April. We’ll plant the next bed in the shady area by the playground facing Punahou Street. If you have herb seeds, bring them! Garden volunteer days will be Easter Monday, April 5, at 5:30 pm, and Thursday, April 29, at 12:30 pm. Don’t forget your Blue Zones pledges!

Peggy Anderson and Vicar Bree transplant into the second garden bed

Posted in Community Garden, Congregational Life.