LCH Bids Farewell to Scott Fikse • Sunday, July 31

Farewell and Good Wishes graphicWe’re saying goodbye to our director of music, Scott Fikse, on Sunday, July 31.

The celebration of Scott’s ministry at LCH begins with worship at 10:00 am that morning. The LCH Choir and Bach Chamber Orchestra will fill the service with special music, including Bach’s Cantata 187, Es wartet alles auf dich. Following worship, all are invited to a Cake Reception in honor of Scott.

Festivities continue that evening with a Celebration Potluck in the evening at 5:30 pm. Please prepare a dish and join us in wishing Scott and Marcus a blessed farewell.

For those who cannot attend, we are collecting farewell cards or letters for Scott. Please mail them to the church and we’ll make sure to get them to Scott before his departure. If you have questions about the potluck, please contact the church office at 808-941-2566.

Posted in Congregational Life, Fellowship, Music Ministry, Worship.