God’s Work, Our Hands Volunteer Day • Sat., Sept. 25, at 9:00 am

God's work, our hands logoPlease join us Saturday, September 25, at 9:00 am for God’s Work Our Hands Volunteer Day at Sand Island Beach Park. Though not the same day as God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday, this will be LCH’s opportunity to participate in the ELCA’s national day of service. God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday celebrates who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America—one church freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.

On September 25, we will serve our neighbors—humans, birds, turtles, plants, and fish—by cleaning and caring for Sand Island. This is a wonderful way to share our love for the earth and demonstrate our care for all God has made.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are limited to a group of 25 for this event; masks and social distancing are required to participate. Please register for the event by emailing Pastor Jeff at pr.jeff@LCHwelcome.org. Event details, including meeting place at the park, will be emailed to you once you register. Bring gloves, a water bottle, sun screen, and a sense of adventure! Trash bags, snacks, additional gloves, and spiritual support are provided by LCH.

Posted in Congregational Life, Social Ministries.