The Court of Weißenfels • Monday, March 2, 7:00 pm

Schloss Neu-Augustusburg, the seat of the dukes of Saxony-WeißenfelsFor the next in our First Mondays concert series, we experience musical life at German courts during the eighteenth century.

This concert shows us a glimpse of Weißenfels—one of the most famous German courts of the time. George Frederic Handel began his musical training there, Johann Sebastian Bach received prestigious appointments there during his Liepzig years, and Johann Phillip Krieger served the court as Kapellmeister for nearly 45 years. Others passed through or lived in close proximity, including Schütz and Telemann.

This concert features Naomi Barrett, soprano; Melissa Walker, mezzo-soprano; Karol Nowicki, tenor; Scott Fikse, bass-baritone; and members of the Bach Chamber Orchestra

Selections to be performed include:

  1. Heilig, heilig, heilig ist der Herr by Johann Phillip Krieger (1649–1725)
  2. Träufelt, ihr Himmel von oben by Krieger
  3. Singe, Seele, Gott zum Preise, hwv 206, 9 German Arias by G. F Händel (1685–1759)
  4. Meine Seele hört im Sehen, hwv 207 from 9 German Arias by Händel
  5. Sonata in D Minor, Op. 2, No. 2 by Krieger
  6. Können nicht die roten Wangen, Zerreißet, zersprenget, zertrümmert die Gruft, bwv 205, by J. S. Bach (1685–1750)
  7. Lebe, Sonne dieser Erden, Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd, bwv 208, by Bach

Pupus and non-alcoholic drinks will be served before the concert beginning at 6:30.

Free-will donations are welcome.

The 2019–20 series of First Monday Chamber Concerts is free, and all are welcome. Visit our First Mondays Chamber Concerts page for a listing of the concerts in the series and to learn how you can support these concerts.

Driving directions, bus information, and parking

Posted in First Monday Concerts, Music Ministry.